About Us

Your Partner Through Every Life Stage

β€œMy personal experiences are the cornerstones of my dedication to my clients.”

Whether you're just starting your career, planning for a family, contemplating retirement, or embarking on a new adventure, I am here to guide you. I understand the challenges and uncertainties that come with starting a new life in Canada because as an immigrant myself I walked that path, I also know and understand that life is a series of transitions, each with its unique financial challenges and opportunities.

My personal journey, which began with its fair share of struggles, has driven me to become a financial advisor with a profound difference. For me, it's not just about managing your money; it's about building a plan that secures your life and your family's future. I know what it's like to step into a foreign land with dreams, and I am committed to ensuring that your dreams, too, have the protection and foundation they deserve.

I am not only passionate about financial growth but also about helping you achieve your life's aspirations, shielding your family from the unexpected, and guiding you toward a future that is financially resilient and emotionally secure. 

I will work with you to create a financial strategy that adapts and evolves alongside you. I believe that financial planning is not a one-size-fits-all approach, I am prepared to tailor my guidance to your specific needs, so you can navigate each life stage with confidence and financial security.

Connect with me:


Cristina is a licensed life and accident / sickness agent in Manitoba.


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β€œA big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life.”
— Suze Orman